Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology: Principles and Practice - covers major renewable energy resources and technologies for various applications. The book is conceived as a standard reference book for students, experts, and policy-makers. It has been designed to meet the needs of these diverse groups. While covering the basics of scientific and engineering principles of thermal engineer…
Advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Proceedings of ETAEERE-2016 Editors: SenGupta, S., Zobaa, A.F., Sherpa, K.S., Bhoi, A.K. (Eds.) Focuses on the advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy This volume comprises select proceedings of ETAEERE-2016. The volume offers state-of-the-art chapters on energy management systems (EMS), renewable energy resources, micro-generation, green co…
Renewable energy merupakan pilihan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan dari penggunaan bahan bakar fosil, teknologi renewable energy yang menjanjikan adalah memanen energi matahari dan merubahnya menjadi energi listrik. Terdapat dua teknologi yang dipergunakan untuk hal tersebut yaitu solar PV dan solar thermal. Indonesia merupakan negara tropis, dimana sinar matahari menyinari bumi dengan inte…