The 2017 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals covers basic principles and data used in the HVAC&R industry. The ASHRAE Technical Committees that prepare these chapters provide new information, clarify existing content, delete obsolete materials, and reorganize chapters to make the Handbook more understandable and easier to use. An accompanying CD-ROM contains all the volume’s chapters in both I-P a…
Familiarizes the student or an engineer new to process safety with the concept of process safety management Serves as a comprehensive reference for Process Safety topics for student chemical engineers and newly graduate engineers Acts as a reference material for either a stand-alone process safety course or as supplemental materials for existing curricula Includes the evaluation of SACHE cou…
BPVC-IIA-2019 is a service book to the other Code Sections, providing material specifications for ferrous materials adequate for safety in the field of pressure equipment. These specifications contain requirements and mechanical properties, test specimens, and methods of testing. They are designated by SA numbers and are derived from ASTM "A" specifications.
BPVC-IIA-2019 is a service book to the other Code Sections, providing material specifications for ferrous materials adequate for safety in the field of pressure equipment. These specifications contain requirements and mechanical properties, test specimens, and methods of testing. They are designated by SA numbers and are derived from ASTM "A" specifications.
Materi yang disajikan dalam buku ini menjadi referensi penting dan praktis serta aplikabel bagi mahasiswa, dosen, para pemerhati perminyakan, dan stakeholders yang berkaitan dengan bidang teknik perminyakan, serta siapa saja yang mempunyai kepedulian terhadap upaya pengembangan material teknik perminyakan. Kendatipun buku ini telah disiapkan dengan sebaik-baiknya, namun sudah barang tentu masih…