An automated static total pressure measurement apparatus was used to measure isothermal vaporliquid equilibria for five binary systems: trans-2-butene + methanol, + ethanol, + 2-propanol, + 2-butanol, and + 2-methyl-2-propanol at 332.3 K. Error analysis of the measured results has been presented. All systems exhibited positive deviation from Raoult’s law. The trans-2-butene + methanol and …
The equilibrium solubility of aspirin in supercritical CO2 has been determined using a dynamic method. Measurements were performed at pressures ranging from (10 to 25) MPa and temperatures from (308.15 to 328.15) K. The effect of a polar cosolvent, acetone, on the solubility of aspirin in supercritical carbon dioxide was also studied. The results show that the addition of acetone produces up…
2-methoxyethyl acetate (MEA) can be used to decrease exhaust smoke as a new oxygenated additive of diesel. Several fuel blends which containing 10%, 15% and 20% MEA were prepared. The effects of MEA on engine’s power, fuel economy, emissions and combustion characteristics were studied on a single cylinder DI diesel engine. Under the same speed and load conditions, the maximum cylinder pres…
Heat transfer around vertical ground heat exchanger (GHE) is a common problem for the design and simulation of ground coupled heat pump (GCHP). In this paper, an updated two-region vertical U-tube GHE analytical model, which is fit for system dynamic simulation of GCHP, is proposed and developed. It divides the heat transfer region of GHE into two parts at the boundary of borehole wall, and …
2-methoxyethyl acetate (MEA) can be used to decrease exhaust smoke as a new oxygenated additive of diesel. Several fuel blends which containing 10%, 15% and 20% MEA were prepared. The effects of MEA on engine’s power, fuel economy, emissions and combustion characteristics were studied on a single cylinder DI diesel engine. Under the same speed and load conditions, the maximum cylinder pres…
For the purpose of heat transfer enhancement, the configuration of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger was improved through the installation of sealers in the shell-side. The gaps between the baffle plates and shell is blocked by the sealers, which effectively decreases the short-circuit flow in the shell-side. The results of heat transfer experiments show that the shell-side heat transfer coeff…
Experimental tests have been carried out to evaluate the performance and gaseous emission characteristics of a diesel engine when fuelled with vegetable oil and its blends of 25%, 50%, and 75% of vegetable oil with ordinary diesel fuel separately. Tests on ordinary diesel fuel have also been carried out for comparison purposes. A series of tests are conducted and repeated six times for each …
The specific cooling power (SCP) of adsorption chillers could be increased by employing zeolite coated, extended heat transfer surfaces in the generator. An experiment featured 50 annular aluminium fins, 76 mm diameter, each coated with 2 g of zeolite CBV901, and pressed onto a 10 mm bore aluminium tube. A large (4 kg), structurally stiff and easily fabricated casing enclosed the finned tube…